Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time-out Thursdays

Let's face it, whether you have children or not or work or stay at home we ALL need breaks here and there. Hopefully we can find our outlets, be it exercise or crafting or what have you but it's so very important to not lose sight of one's self. Once I had my daughter in 2009, I knew I would need something to help keep my anxiety in check and maintain my energy--that's when my neighbor suggested yoga. She had been practicing for years and raved about it so I said hey, I'll give it a shot. I started with a 6 week Introduction to Yoga series at a local studio and was HOOKED!! I couldn't wait to start taking "real" classes. If you've BFed before you can appreciate what it's like to try and exercise with milk filled boobs, let alone perform poses that require said BFing mom to lay on her belly. I survived though, and the former "gym-rat" converted to become a yogini.

Two years and counting I have never looked back. I have had absolutely amazing teachers, that I won't lie, I have had not so nice thoughts about when they called for yet another vinyasa BUT at the end of the class the sweet serenity is SO worth it.

So how have I been doing this week, in making time for myself? ::big thumbs down:: Eh, not so great. It's Thursday and I haven't made it to class once but thankfully I have a little yoga group I started at work that meets Thursday nights; I'll sneak in a little sweat and opening then.

What's your time-out strategy?


  1. Oh man.. I loved giving me a time out- and Heading to Ross and Browse, Browse, Browse. All on my own little time. I come back home feeling so nice and refreshed from the air and down time. Your time out sounds awesome! Yoga is amazing!

  2. Lock myself in the master bathroom & take an extra long hot shower! haha! I'm only half joking ;)

    I'd love to take a photography class somewhere, but it's that whole finding the time thing. ugh!

  3. Running is my time out. I also love love love yoga. I can't wait to start up again in a month.
